C19_Space VR Application

The C19SPACE_VRE App is now available in all the languages of the European Union both in Apple Store and Play Store (Plan A).

Please watch the video-tutorial available below and read carefully the instruction manual that includes the validation code required to access the C19SPACE_VR application.

We have been notified that Android users from some countries cannot access the C19SPACE_VR App in Play Store. In case you encounter difficulties in accessing and downloading the App correctly in any of the stores, we offer you the alternative below.

General recommendations for the best VRE learning experience:

  • Download the App in advance and not on the day of the local training. By doing so you depend less on the WIFI connection of the training establishment and avoid overheating of the smartphone.
  • Ensure there is enough space available on the smartphone. Be aware that aware the download is large, takes time and quite a bit of space.
  • Ensure phone software is correctly updated
  • Disable sleep mode
  • Ensure the phone fully charged on the day of the local event
  • Switch off Bluetooth
  • Reduce screen brightness
  • Close other apps running at the same time
  • Do NOT charge the smartphone while running the VRE app.
  • Stay connected to WIFI until the VRE is complete as we will use it to send the performance results at the end of the experience.

Make the established breaks:

  • ICU Tour
  • Exploration Tour
  • Master Case 1 - Admission and Line-Up
  • Master Case 1 - Daily Routine
  • Master Case 1 - Troubleshooting ventilation
  • Master Case 1 - Troubleshooting hemodynamic
  • Master Case 2 - Daily Routine
  • Master Case 2 - Troubleshooting ventilation

The C19SPACE_VR app stores the last viewed video. If the app closes or you turn off your phone, next time when you go back to the app, you can continue from where you stopped. You can also do the VRE later at your own pace again.

If the C19SPACE_VR App doesn't open

  • This may happen because your smartphone is not powerful enough to run the experience. The next App update will be soon available with optimized use of the smarthphone Central Proceesing Unit as well as downgraded videos which will increase accessibility to the VRE App.
  • However, please note that there is a vast diversity of smartphones on the market. To access the C19SPACE_VR App we recommend smartphones not older than 3 or 4 years at most
  • If your smartphone is not able to run the experience, you can still do it through the VRE web version available soon in ESICM Academy.